Tuesday 22 November 2011

Doubt versus Faith

When we look at “doubt” and “not having faith” it seems like they go hand in hand right?  Quite close knit?

Because of recent events I am not so sure about that anymore.  It totally changed my perspective on this.

Think about the following.  You are going through a tough time for whatever reason.  You think “How on earth am I going to get through this?” not “Am I going to get through this?” The difference?  You don’t know (doubt) how things are going to take place, the process you are going to go through not if you are going to get through it (not having faith). We know God will take care of us we just don’t always know how He is going to do it.

So, it is quite natural to wonder about that sometimes even be a little scared.  We should just never lose faith. 

Faith and doubt both are needed, not as antagonists, but working side by side to take us around the unknown curve - Lillian Smith.
Faith and doubt both are needed, not as antagonists, but working side by