Sunday 19 February 2012

Influence - To What Extent?

When we are children our parents basically gets to decide what we should do and how we should live. A lot of the time under protest of course.

When does it become time for us to decide how we should live our lives? What our futures should be like.  Which goals we or other people set out for us to reach to go for and which ones to let go off?

I think a good time would be when you have to start living with the outcome of whatever decision you have to make. Especially if it is something that you have to live with on a long term basis. If you get two job offers and you need to decide which one to accept, who gets to decide? You do.  You have to work there every day. No one else lives with the consequences of your decisions except yourself.

There are some circumstances that we do not have control over but if there is one thing I have learned over time then it is that ultimately each one of us end up living our lives ourselves. So, be very careful what you let people around you decide on your behalf.

Like William Shakespeare said: “It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.”

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