Sunday 19 February 2012

The Noise Of Busyness

In the time that we said aside for God, we talk to Him. But most importantly we should be listening to Him.

Ever tried talking to someone when they are preoccupied with something else while they are supposed to be listening to what you are trying to say to them? Sure they might HEAR you talking but are they really listening? Very frustrating right? What is the distraction? Noise?

Jesus repeatedly warned against any time when people are unaware to the danger of going about life without stopping long enough to listen to God.

Life is hectic, busy and sometimes just plain messy. In between all of this we not only need to, buthave to find time to be with God. Just sit and listen to what our Father has to say. The responsibility rests on our shoulders, no one else’s.

Each one of us are different and will feel God's presence in different places and different ways. Make sure to listen to that. 
Noah was a man who took the time to listen to what God had to say through all the disarray around him. He also followed where God lead him.

There is something I read in one of Stormie Omartian’s books titled, The Power of Prayer Through the Bible. “The picture that develops out of the phrase "walked with God" reveals a person who depended on God's faithfulness across the decades, through times of doubt, against the corruption that surrounded him”. We can only walk with God if we seek His presence. The only way we can ask Him: “Help me to hearYour voice speaking to my heart so that I will always follow Your leading”. And the only way to hear His voice is to become still.

Make it a priority in your life to find out where God wants you to feel His presence in a sense that fills you with His peace, love and comfort. Don't lose sight of God in hectic world we live in today.

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