Tuesday 31 January 2012

Time Spent

How do you spend your time?

This holiday was going to be all about resting up after the hectic 2011 right?  Weren’t we all totally exhausted at the end of the year?  Wanting and needing that well deserved break?

Instead most of us worked on projects at home, doing the things we never get to do during the year.  Some of us went away on holiday and got to relax but still had a pretty “busy” time while doing the things we enjoy.

Must admit this holiday season I’ve had a better time than I have had in years!!  Definitely not “resting” up in the sense of sleeping much and doing nothing, but is was SO much FUN.  Like my mom have mentioned to me so many times: “We don’t need as much sleep as we think we do, we need to live life”.  And boy did I live!!!  Like someone recently brought to my attention me: “you will get used to it” (that is not having a lot of sleep).

It doesn’t matter where you spent your time or what you did, it is who you spent it with that is the most important thing and whether you had loads of fun doing it.

May you all have a blessed 2012 and get to spent it with all the people you love and that matters in your life!!!

Remember to live life to the fullest.

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