Thursday 29 September 2011

Back to Basics

I had the privelage of attending a praise and worship evening last night at church.  It was amazing.  Afterwards the people shared some thoughts.  The one that stood out quite a bit was the one about going “back to the basics”.

We always refer to the heart (putting our hands physically on our hearts) when we talk about love.  Get a picture of that image in your mind before you read the rest.

1.       Why do we go to church? Because the bible says we have to?
2.       Why do we sing praise and worship songs? Because we feel an emotional high?
3.       Why do we do things for other people?  Out of obligation, because it is the right thing to
4.       Why do we give money to the church (in any form)?  Because it is stipulated in the
5.       When you are upset with someone what is your first reaction? To have a hefty
      conversation with them (whether in your mind or when you are with them)?

When was the last time you simply reacted and did any of the above things just out of a deep love for God and because you really feel you want to? Not because you have a sense of obligation. 

Why do something if you don’t mean it?  Think about it.  If someone is in your presence and you tell them “I love you”, they are going to know whether it comes from the heart or whether it is just lip talk.  God is always in our presence.

God wants us to be in a relationship with Him. Not just a regular relationship, but an intimate one.  If your heart is not in the right place how can you be in a intimate relationship with someone?  How can your relationship whith someone grow if you do not put everthing you’ve got into it?

We really need to get back to the basics of what God is all about.  Love, heart.

So, why not approach all of the above differently:

1.       Why do we go to church? Out of love for God deep within our hearts.
2.       Why do we sing praise and worship songs? Out of love for God deep within our hearts.
3.       Why do we do things for other people?  Out of love for God deep within our hearts.
4.       Why do we give money to the church (in any form)?  Out of love for God deep within our
5.       When you are upset with someone what is your first reaction? Put your hand on your
      heart and ask God to channel His love.

Imagine how much more we can do for God, in His kingdom if we put our hearts in it.  All the other things we need to do to achieve that will automatically follow!! It will be so much easier loving other people. Everything will come naturally.

So, think about it, we need to get BACK TO BASICS.

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