Monday 3 October 2011

Caring Isn't Always Easy

It is great when we can share happy times, laugh and have fun together. 

But what happens if we are going through rough patches.  Then caring is not always so easy.   Caring for that person might mean feeling what they feel, really hurting when they hurt.  Who would want to open yourself up to hurt when you are not the person suffering?  Even thinking about that person or praying for them might not be easy, as you do get involved when doing that, especially if it is for a long period of time.  Making that commitment even if you don’t always feel like it might not be a walk in the park.  Even tiring at some point.  United Hillsong have beautiful and very inspiring songs. There is a phrase in one of their songs that describes this feeling quite good:  “Break my heart for what breaks Yours, everything I am for Your kingdom's cause, as I walk from earth into eternity”. 

Let’s reverse the roles a bit.  Imagine you are going through a difficult time and there is no one you can turn to.  No one to help you carry the load.  Wouldn’t it make things so much harder, even seem impossible to get through it? 

A good example would be God sacrificing His only son because He cares for us.  That defenitaly was not an easy thing to do at all, but I am sure that God didn’t even think twice about doing it.

What would happen in this world if we stopped caring… 

But can you imagine what would happen if we do care, always!!!  Whether it is through walking a road with someone through prayer or physically being there. God uses all of us in different ways, but He wants all of us to care.

May God bless and keep each and everyone of you safe, now and always

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