Monday 24 October 2011

Why Do People Care?

Why do we find it so difficult to believe that people genuinely care for us?  Do we anticipate that they might reject us in the long run?  That we might disappoint them at some point in our lives and they will stop caring?  Maybe we are not good enough or don’t deserve their love?  Are we not important enough?  Or have we been hurt one time too many and don’t want anybody to come too close?

Whatever the reason ………….

Letting people in isn’t all that easy for everyone.  Especially when you have gone through any one of the above mentioned situations.  When people have forsaken you or disappointed you one way or another. 

Ever considered that people might simply care for you because they want to?  Because God laid it upon their hearts to be there for you when you might need it the most?  You don’t need to go through everything by yourself.  Jesus had friends who cared for and supported Him, so why should we be any different?

It is understandable that we don’t let everybody into our hearts to the same extent, but don’t shut everyone out that comes across your path.  They are there for a reason.    

People care simply because God cares.
Job 10:12:  You have granted me life and steadfast love, and your care has preserved my spirit.

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