Thursday 27 October 2011

Sincere Friendship

I believe that other people are placed here on earth to help us experience a little glimpse of the friendship that forms part of something we will experience in heaven,  while we are here for a short while.  

What does friendship mean to you?  There are a few things that I see in friendship:

A friend is someone:
-          you can phone at 3 in the morning without having to explain why
-          you can be yourself with even if it means being silly when you feel like it
-          you can talk to for hours without remembering afterwards what you spoke about for so long!!
-          you are at home with
-          who helps you grow as a person
-          who brings out the best in you
-          who has your best interests at heart
-          who sets an example to lead you on the right path
-          who believes in you
-          who always supports and stand by you, even when you make a mess of things
-          who gives you some tough love when needed
-          who never ever gives up on you, no matter what

This list can go on forever and ever.  I am sure you can add many things to it. Sure, friends are not perfect and yes we do have disagreements from time to time, but that doesn’t mean you just throw in the towel. 

Pro 18:24  A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother (ESV).

How then, you may ask, can I have a friend like this?  The first step is to be one. 

May you all experience the friendship Jesus has to offer, love your friends dearly and hold them close to your heart J

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